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Edge Dental

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Houston

Blog posts February 2021

What are the Treatment Options available for Tooth decay?

Cavities or tooth decay are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that occur as softening enamel caused by acids in the surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Dental cavities and tooth decay are the same in terms.

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What are the causes of t…

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What is the purpose of dental veneers?

How do you feel when you have damaged or discolored teeth? The teeth are the parts that show your confidence and the attitude you have. But poor teeth will decrease your confidence and limit you to express your feelings. Dental veneers can help improve the aesthetic and protection, the appearance o…

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Is root canal a major surgery?

Root canal treatment is also called endodontic therapy, it is a sequenced process for the infected tooth pulp to eliminate the harmful bacteria and provide protection to the cured tooth from future bacteria invasion. A root canal is a dental therapy that includes the removal of infected the soft cen…

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What makes you do teeth cleaning?

Dental professionals generally, advise patients to go through tooth cleaning procedures so that they can stay away from tooth decay and gum diseases. Oral hygiene is a must for everybody as it protects you from several serious dental diseases. People should include dental cleanings as an essential p…

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Which is better: Invisalign or Snap-on smile to shine your smile?

You are noticed by everyone if you have an overall good personality.  Dental health is also an important part of your personality since a confident, beautiful smile boosts your self-esteem. On the other hand, dental imperfections can make you embarrassed about your teeth. But for the betterment of y…

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5 blog posts