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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Houston

Blog posts September 2023

The Science Behind Zoom Teeth Whitening: How Does It Work?

Many of us desire a brilliant, white smile. Because of several factors, including coffee, tea, red wine, or simply age, our teeth may become discolored over time. Thankfully, there are processes that may assist you in restoring the original whiteness of your teeth. Zoom teeth whitening is a popular …

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Lengthening Dental Crowns: A Method Of Repairing Damaged Teeth

Our teeth occasionally require a little additional assistance to remain strong and healthy. When teeth are broken or require greater support, a unique procedure called dental crown lengthening may be able to help. This article will explain dental crown lengthening, why someone might require it, and …

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The Value Of Maintaining Dental Bridges For Longevity

A dental bridge functions as a functional span between your teeth. You can speak, smile, and eat more comfortably. However, it requires proper maintenance to last a long time, just like any bridge. 


Why Maintaining Your Dental Bridge Is So Crucial?


Maintains Your Smile's Beauty 

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3 blog posts