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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Houston

Blog posts June 2021

Seven Popular Dental Procedures of Cosmetic Dentistry For Your Smile:

People’s quest for beauty is making cosmetic dentistry very popular worldwide. Most people are opting for it as it comprises many different procedures to enhance their smile. Not only it offers a flawless smile but also prevents many dental issues. Mainly it focuses on the smile improvement of the…

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Dental Crowns: Types of Caps, Uses, Lifespan, and Cost

A dental crown also called a “tooth cap”, is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over that damaged portion of the tooth to restore it to its original shape and appearance. A crown is also fitted onto the dental implant in order to replace a missing or broken tooth.


Dental Crown Types, Procedure, When It's Done, Cost, and Aftercare


A crown gives…

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Dental Veneers: How To Maintain An Evergreen Smile?

Your cosmetic dental clinic will offer a wide variety of cosmetic dental procedures including veneers. Veneers are great for fixing problems with the enhanced appearance of your teeth and can also provide a layer of protection for a tooth that has been damaged or cracked. Dental veneers have become…

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Dental Crowns: Types of Caps, Uses, Lifespan, and Cost

A dental crown also called a “tooth cap, is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over that damaged portion of the tooth to restore it to its original shape and appearance. A crown is also fitted onto the dental implant in order to replace a missing or broken tooth.


Dental Crown Types, Procedure, When It's Done, Cost, and Aftercare


A crown gives…

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Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Extract the Pain and the Tooth.

Wisdom teeth are the third set of teeth, which typically comes in when you are young adults. If these teeth grow properly, you won’t have any issues regarding this. However, if there is not enough room in the mouth, or they do not erupt on the surface of the gums at all, an Emergency Dentist will …

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What are the Symptoms and Treatments of TMJ Disorder?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. This joint is located in front of your ears on each side of your head, where the lower jawbone meets the skull. One of the most frequently used joints in the body is the joint that we use to bite, chew, talk and yawn. It is a complex joint made up of bones, mu…

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What are Dentures and Their Types?

Dentures and Implants have no age limit. These can be for young adults or even seniors. Tooth loss can be caused by various factors such as tooth decay, genetics, and even drug abuse. This is why some people need to have implants to restore their smiles and get their confidence back. Despite that, t…

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What are the tips for Teeth Whitening at Home?

If you want to spare yourself from the embarrassment of having discolored teeth, then you might want to try the best at home teeth whitening remedies. These remedies make use of both natural and whitening products that can help you transform your stained teeth to a lighter shade in just a few weeks…

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What Are the differences Between Crowns and Dental Bondings?

The restoration procedures that involve dental bonding and dental crown are very different. Cosmetically the end results might look similar though. Also, so are the conditions that will determine when one approach is needed over another.


Veneers vs Crowns vs Dental Tooth Bonding - Cosmetic Dentist Los Angeles -  Dr. Anthony Mobasser


What helps determine if dental bonding is …

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9 blog posts